Stoop Kidz!: A Hey Arnold! Podcast
A-here we go a-here we go 🎷⚾ 💛

76A Grandpa's Sister/76B Synchronized Swimming

Grandpa Phil and his twin sister, Mitzi, don’t ge…

Grandpa Phil and his twin sister, Mitzi, don’t get along. Like, at all. With beef that goes back decades, can Arnold insert himself as mediator before the fraternal feud boils over into disaster in “Grandpa’s Sister”? In “Synchronized Swimming,” Coach Wittenberg wants to show Arnold, Gerald, Harold, Stinky, and Stinky that synchronized swimming isn’t just for girls. (And save his job.) In the process, he gives them a place to express themselves and their emotions through water-based dance. If you like Stoop Kidz!, tell a friend about our show and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! Tell them they can also find us on Twitter at and on Instagram at We get a lot of really nice messages from our great listeners, and we’d love to see yours among them, so get in touch! All Stoop Kidz show art is created by our own Emily Csuy ( Intro music: “Hey Arnold! Theme” by Jim Lang. Intermission music: “The A Game” by Jim Lang. Outro music from Episode 76B Synchronized Swimming by Jim Lang.
A-here we go... Every week, Emily Csuy, Harry Mackin, and Cody Narveson dig deep on an episode of the beloved 90s cartoon Hey Arnold! and share stories of how it's impacted their lives from childhood to today. If you love Hey Arnold! or just great discussions of TV, listen in!