77A Helga's Masquerade/77B Mr. Green Runs (with Hannah Borenstein)

Hannah Borenstein is back to tackle two more clas…
Hannah Borenstein is back to tackle two more classic eps with the Kidz! Helga’s ruse goes awry in “Helga’s Masquerade” when she mimics Lila to earn Arnold’s affection, only to earn it for the wrong reasons. Local politics have kept necessary road repairs at bay for too long, so Mr. Green seeks a seat on the Hillwood City Council in “Mr. Green Runs.” It’s an episode that highlights the types of people who become powerful at a local level, being a self-styled voice of the people, and what it means to become part of the civic machine. Find Hannah on Twitter and Instagram at @hborenstein23 and find her work at https://www.hannahborenstein.com/ “The Nickelodeon Cartoon That Taught a Generation to Hate Capitalism” by Hannah Borenstein for Slate: https://slate.com/culture/2022/03/hey-arnold-gentrification-capitalism-millennial-nostalgia-podcasts.html If you like Stoop Kidz!, tell a friend about our show and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! Tell them they can also find us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/stoopkidzpod and on Instagram at www.instagram.com/stoopkidzpod/. We get a lot of really nice messages from our great listeners, and we’d love to see yours among them, so get in touch! All Stoop Kidz show art is created by our own Emily Csuy (https://www.instagram.com/emilycsuy/). Intro music: “Hey Arnold! Theme” by Jim Lang. Intermission music: “The A Game” by Jim Lang. Outro music: “Stompin’” by Jim Lang.